VUE JS – How to remove an item from a list?
How to remove a specific item from a list in Vue.js when the item does not have an id?
Make sure you install:
import VueLodash from 'vue-lodash'; const options = { name: 'lodash' };
I will also be using Bootstrap Vue in this example
In your component:
+ -
Now the vue code, it took me a long time to find a neat solution:
What did I do?
The first problem I encountered was the generation of a unique id in each element of the object. The solution is to use “this._.uniqueId()” from lodash. But, when you will update your page, you will find out very quickly that you may have conflicting ids, ie: You create an id from 1 to 6, delete them and re-add the fields, duplication of ids will happen at this stage. To go around this, I look each time for the highest id and add it’s value to the next id as:
let highestId = Math.max( =>; let id = parseInt(this._.uniqueId()); let newId = highestId + id;
By using this method, conflicting ids become be something of the past.
Next, finding the key of my elements was important because a lot of people have solutions, but either they are over complicated or not right for this simple job. I have then used lodash again with “this._.findKey”.
If you do not look for the element key, your script will keep deleting the first(element 0) element each time.
Hope this helps, please leave me a comment below