How to create a component and add it to Blade in Laravel?
Go to you app.js file “resources\js\app.js” and add this:
Vue.component('view-dashboard-component', () => import('./components/Admin/Navbar/DashboardComponent.vue'));
Make sure you create 2 vue folders called “Admin/Navbar/” inside the components vue folder in “resources\js\components”
In your vue file add this:
Example ComponentI'm an example component.
Just above this:
const app = new Vue({ el: '#app', });
Now create a Laravel view blade file, and add this in it:
@extends('') @section('content')@endsection
To get to this file, create a route in your “routes\web.php” and add this:
Route::get('/admin/dashboard', 'Admin\DashboardController@index');
In your controller make sure you have this:
public function index() { return view('admin.dashboard.index'); }
Now type your domain as:
and you should see your component