Resolving the Notorious “Attempt to read property on null” Error in WordPress

Hello WordPress enthusiasts!

Are you pulling your hair out over the infamous “Attempt to read property on null” error? You’re not alone in this frustrating journey. Today, we’re diving deep into this perplexing issue and unveiling a solution that might just save your sanity.

But first, a small request: If this post rescues you from hours of troubleshooting trauma, I’d be thrilled if you could follow me on LinkedIn. Your support fuels my passion for sharing these technical nuggets!

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The Error That’s Driving WordPress Users Crazy

You might be seeing one of these maddening errors:

  • Warning: Attempt to read property "post_status" on null in public_html/wp-admin/includes/template.php on line 2204
  • Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on null in /public_html/wp-admin/includes/template.php on line 2208
A PHP session was created by a session_start() function call. 
This interferes with REST API and loopback requests. 
The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.

These errors typically rear their ugly heads when you’re trying to access the WordPress customization page or other theme-related areas. Frustrating, right?

The Sneaky Culprit Behind the Chaos

After countless cups of coffee and perhaps a few dents in the wall, I’ve uncovered a common thread in this maddening tapestry:

  1. You’ve deleted some theme-related pages.
  2. A caching plugin was active during this spring cleaning.
  3. Some menu items are now pointing to a digital void.

This perfect storm creates “ghost” menu items, causing your site to trip over itself, especially around the header area. Hence, the dreaded session-related critical error.

The Surprisingly Simple Solution

Brace yourself for the plot twist: the key to vanquishing this error lies in your WordPress menus. Yes, even the ones you forgot existed!

Here’s your roadmap to redemption:

  1. Navigate to this magical realm: /wp-admin/nav-menus.php
  2. Look for the “Select a menu to edit:” dropdown at the top of the page.
  3. Channel your inner detective and investigate every single menu:
    • Select each menu one by one
    • Scrutinize every link
    • Ensure each linked page still exists in your WordPress realm
  4. If you find any menu items pointing to the great beyond (i.e., deleted pages), show them the door.
  5. Once you’ve cleaned house, purge your WordPress cache.
Warning: Attempt to read property

Warning: Attempt to read property

Why This Menu Magic Works

By exorcising these ghostly menu references – even from menus you forgot were lurking in your site’s corners – you’re eliminating the root cause of those null property errors. Clearing the cache ensures your site acknowledges these changes site-wide.

Wrapping Up

While this WordPress conundrum can make you question your life choices, the fix is often hiding in plain sight. A methodical menu clean-up can be your ticket back to a error-free WordPress paradise.

Remember, in the vast WordPress ecosystem, even the most elusive bugs often have surprisingly simple solutions. Always approach your troubleshooting with a systematic eye, and don’t shy away from exploring the less-traveled paths of your site.

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